General Overview

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (URT) is implementing the Second National Statistical Development Strategy known as the Tanzania Statistical Master Plan (TSMP II) which provides a comprehensive framework for the development of official statistics in Tanzania and is fully aligned with SHaSA2, PaRIS21 and EAC RSDS. It is going to be implemented by National Statistical System (NSS) stakeholders for the period of five years from 2022/23 to 2026/27 whereby the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and Office of the Chief Government Statistician (OCGS) take the coordination role.

TSMP II is harmonized with Eastern Africa Regional Statistics Program-for-Results (EARSPforR) to support the implementation of the aggregated national statistics programs of Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania to strengthen the harmonization, availability and use of core economic and social statistics under the EAC coordination through the World Bank support.


The overall objective is to further strengthen the NSS to sustain the achievements of the first Tanzania Statistical Master Plan (TSMP I) which was implemented between 2011/2012 -2017/2018 and take onboard emerging statistical needs to aid in planning, monitoring, evaluating and decision-making on various programs implemented in the country.

Results Areas of TSMP II

TSMP II has set up three Results Areas as the key fundamental aspirations for statistical development in the country that together enhance the effective statistical solutions to the third Tanzania Mainland Five Years Development Plan (FYDP III) 2020/21-2025/26 as well as the Zanzibar Development Plans (ZADEP) 2021-2026. The three Results Areas are:


Management and Governance of TSMP II

TSMP II involved all NSS stakeholders whereby four level of management was designed to smooth implementation.


Financing of the TSMP II

About 384 USD million expected to finance the implementation of TSMP II for the period of 2022/23-2026/27 of which 21.4 percent as a loan from World Bank, 21.8 percent from Other Development Partners and the rest from Government (URT&RGoZ).